Record Buck Shot at Nubieber Hunting Ranch

Bagged 5 miles South West of Nubieber

Hunter proudly displayts his prize record seting buck.

Record Buck shot in Nubieber at Big Valley Pheasant Ranch

April 18, 2007, Nubieber CA
Copyright 2007, BigValleyNews

A record making buck was bagged at at a Big Valley Hunting Ranch located in Nubieber.

The deer was shot on October 10, 2006 by Ronald Peacock, a visitor to Big Valley from Salida CA. The giant Mule Deer was bagged at a hunting ranch in Nubieber owned by Marc and Nancy Twyman. The hunting ranch is the site of Big Valley Pheasant Ranch., a private hunting club in Nubieber.

The record is verified by the worldwide conservation organization Boone and Crockett Club, named after the famous Americans Daniel Boone and Davy Crockett. This big buck now puts Big Valley and Nubieber on the map for hunters and sportsmen.

The buck had 6 points on each antler with a tip to tip spread of 32 3/8 inches. The greatest spread was 33 inches.

Boone and Crockett has officially scored this mule deer as an all time record with a score of 194 1/2, beating the previous record of 190. This is a North American Big Game Record!

The Boone and Crockett Club is a non-profit organization founded in 1887 by Theodore Roosevelt. His vision was to establish a coalition of dedicated conservationists and sportsmen who would provide the leadership needed to address the issues that affect hunting, wildlife and wild habit.

Big Valley News learned about this record kill several months ago but due to privacy agreements, the story was embargoed until today. It is testimony to the quality hunting that Big Valley residents have known for years. Now we will get national attention.