If you are a person who keeps up with important world news by following CNN, BBC, UPI, Big Valley News.net, (or simply if you live in Bieber) you are probably aware that during the last 3 power outages, we have run out of water much more rapidly than expected. For some time now, a major leak has been suspected, but has not been located.
In previous power outages, the water supply has lasted for several days, but in the past year water has run out much faster. During the last PG and E outage, despite public co-operation in limiting usage, the tank ran dry in about 6 hours.
A leak this size should be easy to spot when it's not the rainy
season, it should be clearly visible as a big wet spot somewhere,
unless it's under the Pit River, but nothing has shown up until now!
The water district normally starts reading water meters in June
and the June/July, but readings showed no unusual large usages
which could account for the high flows.
Today, Steve Jackson, the water district's manager was inspecting
sewers and noticed a high flow in one of them. Tracking the flow
through various manholes located a high flow to be between 2 manholes
about 500 feet apart, and in fact a large flow into the sewer could be
heard by ear somewhere down the line. But why was a leak this
size dumping directly into a sanitary sewer with no visible ground
Snakes were run down the main sewer line and then down a residential
cleanout hoping to get some clues, such as sound changes, as the snake
passed the leak and with a bit of good bit of detective work it was
noticed that the sound changed as the snake was about 20 feet into a
So, fortunately the property owner has a handy back hoe and was
co-operative. Digging in his driveway soon located a wet spot. But a
direct connection between a line outside his meter and the sewer, how
could they possibly be connected?
Further digging soon located a large leak which as responsible for Bieber's mystery water supply failure
The actual mechanism of the leak was as follows:
A small leak in an iron pipe caused enough turbulance inside the
pipe to create more corrosion in the pipe from the inside to accelerate
the hole erosion and to cause 2 more holes. One hole gets large
enough to start removing soil and weaken the support of the sewer pipe
which sinks closer to the water main and eventually crack the terra
cotta sewer line. In the mean time, the big hole continuously squirts
and eventually breaks through the sewer line and the combination of
cracked sewer line and water from the main eventually causes a clear
path for water to dump into the sewer without ever showing up at the
An entire 4 inch water main (installed pre 1940) had to be shut off to
reveal the leaks and plug them with wood pegs so the hole could be
bailed out for sufficient visibility to ascess the
situation. 3 holes in pipe were found within 6 inches of each
other one about 3/8 inch in diameter, one about 1/4 inch and another in
Other than a few hours shutoff for few customers, despite the fact
that the water main was close to a sewer line, no contamination of the
public water supply took place because