Bieber Town Cleanup 2005

There are 3 pages, one for each day This is

Fridays page, one day before:

For Saturday, CLICK HERE,

For Sunday CLICK HERE.

April  23 and 24, 2005

Higs school students picking up trash hin the big field between 3rd St and Punkin Center.

Big Valley High School Students clean up the field

between 3rd St and Punkin Center Rd.

Bieber CA. April 22 2005

Copyright 2005

It's Friday and a beautiful day, one day before official Bieber Cleanup Weekend.  High School students are busy throughout the town cleaning up.  Walking through town I noticed a group of students in the big (previously messy) field between Third St. and Punkin Center Rd. picking up trash, not only the light stuff but heavy pieces of metal and other junk and organizing it into piles for trucking away on cleanup weekend.

The High School Physics Class is cleaning up the old historic Bieber Jail both inside and out and groups of students are roving the town picking up litter.

Piles of trash including heavy pipe and scrap metal stacked up ready for pickup.

This photo does not do it justice, but those piles are heavy pieces of

pipe, iron and large objects cleaned up from the field.

Pressure washing the old Bieber Jail

Tim Legerton (left) and Juan Escalante (pressure washing)

cleaning up the old Bieber Jail.

A cleanup student, behind bars inside the jail

Rich Clay, behind bars, on cleanup duty!

3 girls with pickup tools and a big bag wander the town picking up litter

Left to right, Johanna Gunnerson, Caitlin Watkins and Faren Graham

wandering the town making it a lot nicer place to live.

A group of students posed with htrash tools in hand in front of the Bieber Jail

Another group, too many to get their names,

ready to go out and clean the town.